On this World Health Day, we advocate for the fundamental right to health for all, including adolescents who are shaping our future. However, for many young people, their health journey is marred by the shadow of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs), which profoundly impact their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and mental well-being [1–3]. ACEs encompass a range of traumatic experiences such as abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, and community violence, which occur before the age of 18 [1–3]. In Malawi, 23% and 13% of adolescent girls and boys respectively face sexual violence [4]. Another study conducted in Malawi indicated that about 72% of adolescents face ACEs[5].

Research consistently shows that ACEs are associated with a myriad of health challenges, including poor SRH outcomes and increased risk of mental health disorders [6–11]. During adolescence, individuals undergo critical physical, emotional, and social developments [6–8]. ACEs disrupt this process, often leading to adverse SRH outcomes such as early sexual debut, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and risky sexual behaviours[12–14]. Moreover, ACEs contribute to the onset of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and substance abuse among adolescents[15, 16].
As we recognize “My Health, My Right,” it’s imperative to empower adolescents with the resources and support they need to overcome the impact of ACEs on their health. This includes interventions tailored to their unique needs. Our programme is funded by the NIHR who commit ‘tackling global health inequalities’ and ‘…enabling discovery of innovative solutions, evidence-based practices and new methods and technologies…support(ing) a more sustainable, resilient and healthier future’. The Kamuzu University of Health Sciences in collaboration with the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences, and the University of Strathclyde is conducting an exploratory study to explore interventions that can address ACES that influence SRH and mental health outcomes among adolescents. By understanding the root causes and implementing targeted strategies, we can break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and promote positive health outcomes for future generations.

“Health is a human right, and it begins with protecting our children from adverse experiences. By addressing trauma early on, we ensure that every adolescent can fulfill their potential and enjoy a life of health and happiness.”
On this World Health Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to adolescent health as a fundamental human right. By addressing ACEs and investing in holistic interventions, we can create a world where every young person can thrive, free from the burden of past trauma, and empowered to claim their health and well-being as their inherent right.
~by Dr Wanangwa Chimwaza (KUHeS) and Felistas Mpachika (NIHR GHRG AHW PhD Fellow – KUHeS)
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